Club Events

April 17th 2021 spot landing competition and introductory flight to perspective members.

April 17th 2021 spot landing competition and introductory flight to perspective members.

Cleaning the airplane is a group effort!

Cleaning the airplane is a group effort!

Oshkosh 2017. Dennis, our club president, was there in spirit.

Oshkosh 2017. Dennis, our club president, was there in spirit.

Janet flying some Young Eagles

Janet flying some Young Eagles

A couple more Young Eagles

A couple more Young Eagles

Bob Horneaur giving Young Eagle rides.

Bob Horneaur giving Young Eagle rides.

Lots of Young Eagles to fly

Lots of Young Eagles to fly

Flying the bikes into the Sierras to go bikepacking and bike racing.

Flying the bikes into the Sierras to go bikepacking and bike racing.

Scott Rexwinkle taking Mike Gordon on his first small plane ride over Yosemite.

Scott Rexwinkle taking Mike Gordon on his first small plane ride over Yosemite.

You can fit two bikes and bikepacking equipment into the back of 31R.

You can fit two bikes and bikepacking equipment into the back of 31R.